Demand Management

2 days workshop

Day 1

Introduction to demand planning and demand management
The foundations of demand forecasting, demand planning and demand management
Demand Planning segmentations
Smart segmentation model for the optimal demand strategy
Demand KPIs
Top 5 most practical forecast error metrics, their calculations and the use of demand planning KPIs in S&OP process
Demand Business Hierarchies
What is the optimal level to manage your forecast, how could we boost forecast accuracy by reinventing our hierarchy structure
Demand Forecasting
Review of 10 statistical models, how there are computed and how to select the optimal statistical models (a few tips that will change your life)
Outlier Management
An effective way to manage outliers and remove them before we run our forecast
Promotions Planning and integration with the demand plan
How to optimally plan the promotions, which promo-mechanism to apply, and how is it integrated with the consensus demand plan

Day 2

safety stock management based on demand variability and segmentation
How to utilize the demand segmentation in order to determine the optimal safety stock level and service level
Exceptions Management
How to manage past exceptions and expected exceptions to improve your demand forecast
Demand Collaboration
How to enrich the statistical forecast (baseline) with commercial and financial data
Consensus Management
How to agree on the optimal demand plan, how could we unlock the analytical side to gain consensus effectively
New product forecasting (NPI forecasting)
What is the best-practice of NPI forecasting, types of NPIs, qualitative and quantitative models
The Future of demand planning is already here
How can we apply AI & ML capabilities in order to unlock the full potential of your forecast accuracy
A brief summary and key takeaways

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Upcoming Workshops

New Product Introduction Forecasting

Data-driven Consensus Demand Plan

Demand Planning & Forecasting best-practice